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Bucks County Arrest Records

Before a Bucks County law enforcement officer makes an arrest, there must be probable cause supporting such an action. Probable cause may arise from an investigation or a crime that occurs in an officer's presence. At the same time, probable cause may be established through a warrant, in which case a judge or magistrate has determined that there is enough incriminating material to justify an individual's apprehension.

When individuals are apprehended, they typically remain in police custody pending their court appearance unless they satisfy some release condition.

The agency that made an arrest, such as the Bucks County Sheriff's Office, is responsible for creating the arrest record. The record shows the arrestee's name, offense, and other pertinent details. Such records are relevant for judicial proceedings, forming part of the Bucks County court records and other public documents generated from criminal cases.

Are Arrest Records Public in Bucks County?

Yes. Arrest records are deemed public and can be accessed under the Pennsylvania Right-to-Know Law (RTKL). However, although arrest records are public, there are important exceptions under the RTKL that remove some or all information from public records.

For example, records about ongoing criminal investigations could be withheld to allow authorities to complete their investigations. Juvenile arrest records are considered confidential so that residents under age 18 are not stigmatized but given a chance at rehabilitation. Arrest records without a conviction may not be available for release. Finally, the home addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, and other identifying information about an individual may be redacted to protect their privacy.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

Public arrest records contain non-confidential details about a person's arrest, including:

  • Personal Information: The suspect's full name and date of birth
  • Arrest Specifics: The time and location of the arrest, as well as the arresting department
  • Criminal Charges: The offense the individual is alleged to have committed
  • Booking Details: The booking number, date, and photograph
  • Court Details: The presiding court and court date

Bucks County Crime Rate

According to the Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Report, larceny-theft was the most frequent Part I crime reported in Bucks County in 2023, with 5,828 cases, though it had a moderate clearance rate of 30.75%. The second highest was simple assault, totaling 1,246 offenses, with a high clearance rate of 79.13%. Motor vehicle theft, the third highest, made up a total of 673 offenses, with a low clearance rate of 10.93%.

Also, the county had 477 burglary cases, with a clearance rate of 22.64%. Aggravated assaults were resolved at a rate of 81.36%, with 279 cases. There were 111 incidents of robbery, with a 44.14% clearance rate, and 70 rape incidents, with a 42.86% resolution rate. Arson had 20 cases, with a 45% clearance rate.

Overall, 8,714 offenses were reported in Bucks County in 2023, with a general clearance rate of 37.69%.

Bucks County Arrest Statistics

According to the Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Report, 3,327 Part I arrests were made in Bucks County in 2023. Of that number, 2,908 involved adults, and 419 involved juveniles. Larceny-theft led to the most adult arrests, 1,724 arrests reported, a 20.73% increase from the previous year. Meanwhile, simple assault accounted for more juvenile arrests, leading to 174 arrests in 2023, a 38.10% change from the last year.

Find Bucks County Arrest Records

People interested in arrest records can get the information from local, state, or federal sources. In Bucks County specifically, the Sheriff's Office maintains an online database from which users can search for recent arrests. Also, the Bucks County court records are available on the official case search site of the Pennsylvania courts, where individuals can search for the court cases associated with the arrests by inputting a person's name.

To find persons arrested and sent to state prison, individuals can search the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections inmate tool, which allows users to search for inmates in state correctional facilities.

On the federal level, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) can assist individuals in obtaining information on federal inmates. The BOP has records on all offenders convicted of federal crimes. The agency's federal inmate database can be searched with a name or register number.

Free Arrest Record Search in Bucks County

People can usually obtain arrest information in Bucks County without paying money by submitting an RTKL request to the arresting police agency. Under the RTKL, records requests that are only inspection-based may not attract fees. However, one may need to cover the necessary expenses for reproducing a record.

Third-party databases can also be used to access public records, including Bucks County arrest records. These services are handy when searching across different jurisdictions. However, the information from such websites may be incomplete and contain certain errors; thus, users are advised to check with the originating police agency.

Get Bucks County Criminal Records

Bucks County criminal records (or criminal history records) detail a person's encounters with the criminal justice system, including arrests, charges, and convictions. These records are essential when screening for employment or promotions, sentencing offenders, and for other legal purposes.

People must often search a local repository to acquire Bucks County criminal records. This usually entails visiting the Bucks County courthouse or contacting the Clerk of Courts office. Alternatively, one can explore the Pennsylvania Unified Judicial System (UJS) Case Search portal. This portal provides access to case dockets and summaries, offering comprehensive information on charges and court outcomes.

Individuals can also request records from the Bucks County Sheriff's Office, other police stations, and the Pennsylvania State Police (for a statewide search).

It should be noted that certain information about a person, such as a full name and date of birth, will be required to conduct a criminal record check. Requests for copies of records may also incur costs or charges, and photo identification may be needed for security purposes.

Bucks County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

Arrest records and criminal records have different contents and purposes. Arrest records detail arrest incidents, such as the date and time of apprehension, the suspect's picture, and the name of the arresting police department. However, an arrest record does not imply a person's guilt, as everyone is presumed innocent until proven guilty.

On the other hand, criminal records, also called rap sheets, give an account of a person's encounters with criminal justice agencies. It may include a suspect's physical characteristics, arrest details, conviction data, and parole/probation information. Compared to an arrest record, a criminal record effectively determines if someone was found innocent or guilty of a charge.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

Arrests in Bucks County usually stay on a person's record forever. Consequently, the record may impact the holder adversely unless action is taken to hide or limit access to the information. Fortunately, certain people arrested in Bucks can explore the expungement process to mitigate the potential long-term barriers caused by the record.

Expunge Bucks County Arrest Records

An expungement is a legal process that clears a person's criminal record. Certain eligibility criteria must be met to expunge arrest records per 18 Pa. C.S. § 9122.

  • Non-conviction record: Individuals who were arrested but not convicted may be eligible. This can include cases where the charges were dismissed or withdrawn or the individual was found not guilty.
  • Summary Offenses: Individuals convicted of a summary offense (minor offenses like disorderly conduct) may be eligible for expungement if they have had a five-year arrest or prosecution-free period following the conviction.
  • Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition (ARD): Individuals who completed the ARD program may be eligible for expungement.
  • Juvenile Records: Juvenile records can be expunged under limited conditions, such as reaching 18 years of age and meeting special criteria.

Anyone carrying out an expungement must follow the process explained below.

  • Obtain Criminal Record: Request the criminal record from Pennsylvania State Police. This is to ensure one has assessed all of the charges and dispositions.
  • File a Petition: Complete and file a petition for expungement to the Bucks County Clerk of Courts. The petition should have information about the arrest, charges, and the result of the case.
  • Pay Filing Fees: There is an expungement petition filing fee. For example, an adult case costs $247 to expunge, plus an extra $5 automation fee if the case is not on file at the Common Pleas level. Meanwhile, it costs $115 to expunge a juvenile case plus a $5 automation fee if the case is not on file at the Common Pleas level.
  • Serve the District Attorney: The petitioner must serve a copy of the petition on the Bucks County District Attorney's Office.
  • Court Hearing: The petitioner must attend a court hearing, where a judge will examine the petition. The judge will consider the petitioner's evidence against that of the District Attorney and thereafter rule on the expungement.
  • Order of Expungement: If the judge orders the expungement, an order will be prepared for expunging the record. Agencies will be notified to remove the records from their databases.

Bucks County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is a judicially-approved document authorizing the police to arrest someone who has allegedly committed a crime. In Bucks County, everything begins when the police or a prosecutor files a complaint or affidavit with a judge or magistrate. The document provides proof and a brief explanation of what occurred.

Subsequently, the application will be reviewed by the judge or magistrate, which is a screening process to ascertain probable cause that the person named in the complaint should be held accountable based on the facts or evidence provided in the affidavit or complaint.

If the judicial officer finds probable cause, they will issue an arrest warrant, allowing law enforcement to capture the named person.

Arrest warrants can be issued for felony or misdemeanor crimes where evidence points to a person's involvement or possible flight. Yet another way an individual can have a warrant for arrest issued against them is if they fail to appear in court or violate their probation or parole conditions.

An individual's warrant will show their name, date of birth, physical description, and last known address. The warrant will also note the alleged crime, the date of issue, the issuing judge or magistrate's signature, and stipulations or conditions under which it is issued.

When a judge or magistrate releases a warrant of arrest, it is the duty of law enforcement agencies to execute it. In other words, they are charged with finding and arresting the person or persons so therein named. At the time of arrest, law enforcement officers must follow due process, including informing the arrested person about the charges against them and their rights, such as the right to remain silent and the right to an attorney.

Anyone arrested on a warrant in Bucks is subsequently brought before a judge or magistrate, usually within 48 hours, to formally hear the charges against them and address any bail needs.

Bucks County Arrest Warrant Search

Members of the public can discover active arrest warrants in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, as follows:

  • Search the Bucks County Sheriff's Office Database: The local sheriff maintains a warrants database online where individuals find certain warrant records
  • Check Court Records: Individuals can search court records to determine if the court issued a warrant for arrest. Access may be sought through the UJS portal or at the courthouse.

Do Bucks County Arrest Warrants Expire?

No, a Bucks County arrest warrant does not expire. Every warrant issued locally remains active and outstanding until the subject of the warrant is either arrested, appears willingly in court, or the court recalls the warrant. In other words, there is no statute of limitation on arrest warrants, and they do not automatically expire after a certain period.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
  • Inmate Records
  • Felonies
  • Misdemeanors
  • Bankruptcies
  • Tax & Property Liens
  • Civil Judgements
  • Federal Dockets
  • Probate Records
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  • Death Records
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  • Professional Licenses
  • And More!